

Lizards are a hugely diverse group of squamate reptiles. There are over 7,000 species in the world. Their range extends over every continent except Antarctica and most of the oceanic island chains. While there are no lizards that are native to the Antarctic, they are widespread across most of the world’s continents and islands.


Beaded lizards

Beaded lizards are toxicoferan lizards belonging to the family Helodermatidae. They have five species and are the only members of this family extant. They are often found in tropical regions. Beaded lizards can be very colorful. This is one of the reasons why the lizards are commonly used as decorations.

The body of the beaded lizard is rounded and flat with a narrow snout and flat tail. The tail is used as a storage organ for fat. The mouth has a premaxilla and a maxilla. The maxilla carries six to seven teeth while the dentary contains nine. The teeth are large and monocuspid with prominent grooves on their mesial and distal aspects. The largest teeth are in the middle row.

Beaded lizards spend 95% of their time in hiding. They only come out to hunt during times when the weather conditions are “just right.” In September and October, male beaded lizards mate. After mating, males engage in a ritual fight. The victorious male has the right to mate with the female. The female beaded lizard lays her eggs between October and December. The young hatch in June or July.

Iguanian lizards파충류샵

Iguanas are herbivorous lizards that are native to tropical areas in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. They are considered to be very cute and are great pets for kids. They are very colorful and have fascinating personalities. You can find them in the wild in their native habitat, but you can also buy them in pet shops.

To maintain the health of your pet Iguana, you must give it a balanced diet. It is best to feed it a high-protein, low-phosphorus diet. Young iguanas prefer insects and small amounts of carrion. Young iguanas also prefer green leafy plants and ripe fruits, and use their tongues to move the food around in their mouth. Young iguanas should eat a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus. Their appetites are inhibited by low temperatures, and they should spend some time basking in the sun during the day.

Iguanian gloss lizards

Iguanian gloss lizards have the potential to be important tests for the origin of viviparity, since they have evolved this trait multiple times over their evolutionary history. The Iguanidae includes many viviparous species, and their varied habitats make them ideal candidates for studying how the process of viviparity evolved.

This diverse group of lizards has evolved numerous traits, including visual prey detection, chemical discrimination, and ambush foraging. They evolved into herbivorous lizards, which may have contributed to their diversification into terrestrial microhabitats. 파충류샵 In addition to being capable of rapidly warming up and selecting prey, many lizards of this clade have evolved a highly advanced lingual prehension system.

The Iguanian gloss lizard’s body temperature varies greatly throughout the year. The ambient air temperature and the perching height of the lizards were found to be important factors in determining body temperature, but the effects of time were less apparent.

Iguanian fence lizards

The Iguanian fence lizard belongs to the family of Phrynosomatidae and is the largest species of this group. Its range covers eastern North America. The Iguanian fence lizard is also known as the eastern fence lizard.

Its habitat is temperate to subtropical and it lives primarily in pine forests but can be found in grasslands, shrublands and rocky areas. It is often seen on fences and enjoys basking. Its territory is small, approximately 47 to 61 square meters.

This species is diurnal. Females lay eggs in spring, and males display blue belly coloring to attract females. Males also perform push-ups and head bobs at intervals of four to five seconds in order to attract females.

Eastern fence lizards

The eastern fence lizard is a medium-sized species of lizard. It is a member of the Phrynosomatidae family and is native to the eastern United States. Its habitat is in moist areas such as forests. Its main food source is insects. While it is not a dangerous lizard to handle, it is best not to handle it when it is ill-conditioned or aggressive.

The Eastern fence lizard prefers xeric, open pine woods. It may be found in Virginia pine woods, mixed hardwood and pine forests, and old fields. It may also occur in woodlots in urban areas. While most fence lizards prefer open and closed environments, this species prefers places where it can bask comfortably. The temperature and relative protection from predators are also factors in its selection of basking sites.