Dermatitis – Itchy, Red, and Flaky Skin

Feeling itchy all the time can really affect your quality of life. It can also make you lose sleep and keep you from doing your favorite activities.


Dermatitis can happen at any age, but it usually begins in childhood with atopic dermatitis (eczema). People who have allergies or asthma are more likely to get it.


Dermatitis is a skin condition that can cause itchy, red, dry and flaky skin. It can be triggered by different things such as irritants and allergens, including perfume, jewelry, laundry detergent, soap, sunburn and cold weather. Contact dermatitis improves or clears up when the substance that trigge 송도피부과 rs the reaction is identified and avoided. Rashes can be itchy and can ooze, weep or bleed when scratched. Some types of dermatitis can thicken the skin and form scars. Dermatitis can be with you for a long time, even for your whole life.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is the most common type of dermatitis. It usually starts in infancy and can come and go, getting worse at times called flare-ups and better at other times, known as remission. It is often associated with other conditions like hay fever, asthma and allergies to food, including wheat, nuts and dairy. It is also linked to the digestive condition celiac disease, which is caused by an allergy to gluten.

Usually, a dermatologist can diagnose dermatitis by looking at the rash and discussing your symptoms and family history. The shape of the rash can also help determine the cause. For example, asymmetrical rashes are most likely to be caused by allergens such as poison oak while symmetrical rashes are more likely to be caused by irritants like water or dry skin.

Symptoms 송도피부과

Some types of dermatitis involve itchy skin, redness and blisters. Inflammation may also appear in the form of cracks, scabs and scarring. The rash can appear on any part of the body, but it commonly appears on the hands and knees, inside the elbows and behind the knees, or around the feet. It may be more severe in infants and babies (cradle cap). It may resemble eczema, but it is usually not contagious.

If you have contact dermatitis, the most common type, it is caused by your skin’s reaction to chemicals and other substances that irritate it. You may develop a rash after repeated exposure to a substance — for example, perfumes, jewelry containing nickel, wool, certain soaps, fabrics and some medicines. Occasionally, the rash can result from prolonged sunlight exposure or from poor circulation.

Your healthcare provider will examine the rash and ask about any substances you have been exposed to that might irritate it. They will also examine your skin and ask about any other symptoms you have, such as itching or a feeling of burning or tenderness.

The most important thing you can do to prevent dermatitis flare-ups is to keep your skin hydrated by using a moisturizer, especially after showering or bathing. Most people find that moisturizing helps to reduce the redness, itchiness and itching of dermatitis. It is also important to avoid scratching, which can irritate your skin and lead to infections such as bacterial or yeast (yeast) infections.


The treatment for dermatitis depends on the type of dermatitis. In general, avoiding allergens and irritants helps. The condition can also be treated with emollients (moisturizers) to prevent dry skin. In cases of rash that blisters or oozes, potassium permanganate soaks may be helpful. In addition, patients can use a humidifier or wear cotton gloves while bathing or washing to help keep their hands moist.

The cause of atopic dermatitis isn’t fully understood, but it appears to be caused by an overreaction by the immune system to seemingly small irritants or allergens. It tends to run in families and can be aggravated by stress. It can also be caused by changes in genes that control a protein that maintains healthy skin.

Symptoms vary with each type of dermatitis, but most include redness of the skin, swelling and itching. The skin may swell and form rashes that can weep clear fluid or bleed when scratched. Some types of dermatitis are associated with other symptoms, such as inflammation of the eyes (blepharitis) or infections of the skin. Scratching can spread the rash and lead to scarring. The most effective treatment for atopic dermatitis is emollients. Your dermatologist can recommend a suitable emollient for you. They can also suggest protective clothing and other ways to avoid irritants and allergens. For example, a patient with hand dermatitis may need to use cotton gloves while washing and avoid soaps, shower gels, and harsh detergents. In some people, allergy testing with skin patches (called patch testing) is used to identify possible allergens that can trigger dermatitis.


The best way to prevent dermatitis is to avoid substances that irritate the skin and cause itching, such as soaps, shampoos, detergents, fragrances, plants, or jewelry. Then use moisturizers and steroid creams your health care provider recommends. Wash the affected area of your skin often to keep it clean and free of germs. Keep your fingernails short so you don’t accidentally scratch and make the rash worse. If your skin is itchy, try putting anti-itch creams on the rash to soothe it.

If you have contact dermatitis, avoid the substance that caused it until your doctor says it’s safe to do so. You may need to change your job if you work with chemicals or materials that can trigger the rash.

Some types of dermatitis (such as eczema or atopic dermatitis) can be with you for life. But you can manage it by avoiding things that trigger the rash, using moisturizers and steroid creams, and taking steps to protect your skin from allergens.

To help diagnose dermatitis, your doctor will do a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms. Your doctor might also do a skin patch test or a skin biopsy. These tests involve putting small amounts of different substances on your skin for a few days to see if you have an allergic reaction to them.