Gum Reshaping – Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

Gum reshaping is a cosmetic surgery that focuses on improving the appearance of your smile. The procedure can correct an uneven gum line, gummy smile or receding gums.


During the process, your dentist will numb you so you won’t feel any pain. Then, they’ll use scalpels or lasers to reshape and remove excess tissue.


Gum reshaping is a cosmetic dental procedure that can help improve the proportion between teeth and gums. The process sculpts the gum line to create an ideal balance that enhances your smile’s appearance. It can correct issues such as a gummy smile or uneven gums, elongating the appearance of your teeth and boosting your self-esteem.

The procedure is performed with the help of local anesthesia, making it painless and comfortable. Using traditional dental tools or lasers, the dentist removes or reshapes excess tissue to get the desired result. Then, they apply a dressing or medication to reduce bleeding and promote healing.

Another advantage of gum contouring is that it makes cleaning your teeth easier and more effective. When gum tissue covers too much of your teeth, it can be difficult to remove plaque and bacteria from hard-to-reach areas. The reshaping process also helps protect your teeth from periodontal disease, as it limits bacteria and plaque access to the roots of your tooth.

If you’re considering gum reshaping, it’s important to consult with an experienced dentist who specializes in the procedure. They can give you personalized guidance based on your oral health, goals, and preferences. They may also recommend additional procedures to improve your overall oral health before reshaping your gums. They can also advise you on whether your dental insurance coverage will pay for the procedure.


If you are dissatisfied with how your smile looks due to an overgrowth of gum tissue, a cosmetic dental procedure called gingival sculpting or gum contouring can help. It involves trimming away excess tissue to reveal more of your teeth and improve the proportions of your smile. It’s a minimally invasive surgery that typically takes 1 to 2 hours, is performed in-office, and can be done for both cosmetic and health reasons.

The dentist first gives you a thorough consultation to discuss the process, evaluate your condition and determine if your gums are healthy enough for it to succeed. They’ll also make X-rays or molds of your teeth to get a better understanding of the current state of your gums and how much reshaping is needed. Local anesthesia is then administered to numb the area, making it safe and comfortable.

A dental laser is used to perform the procedure. This device is safer and faster than using a scalpel, and it cauterizes as it cuts to prevent bleeding. The laser is also able to trim and sculpt the tissue with more precision.

After the surgery, your dentist will provide you with guidelines for eating and oral care to speed healing. You may be asked to stick with soft foods for a few days, such as eggs, yogurt, pasta, applesauce, and soup. It’s important to gently clean your teeth to prevent irritation and promote the best recovery.


The gum tissue is a sensitive area, but a dentist will inject the patient with local anesthesia before reshaping. The anesthesia will prevent pain as the dentist uses a dental scalpel or a laser designed for soft tissue to remove excess gum tissue. The dentist will also resculpt the gum line to ensure a healthy proportion between teeth and gums.

The process usually takes less than an hour and is often completed in one visit. Patients will experience some tenderness and numbness afterward. However, the amount of discomfort will depend on how much gum tissue was removed and reshaped during the procedure. The dentist will recommend over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help with comfort. Aspirin should be avoided because it can increase bleeding.

Gum reshaping can dramatically improve the appearance of a smile, and it is an excellent option for anyone who is self-conscious about their gum tissue. The cosmetic procedure can address problems like gummy smiles that make the teeth appear shorter and smaller than they should be, as well as an uneven gum line that makes the teeth look uneven.

If you are interested in gum reshaping, consult with the dental professionals at Whitaker Family Dental in Chandler to learn more about this cosmetic and health-related procedure. We are highly experienced with performing this procedure and can help you get the smile you want and deserve.


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with gum reshaping. The most common risks are infection or a negative reaction to the anesthesia used. However, cosmetic dentistry has evolved to make these procedures more effective and less painful.

The dentist uses a local anesthesia to numb the area before starting the procedure. They may then use a soft tissue laser or a scalpel to cut away excess gum tissue. They will also reshape the gum line if necessary to provide balance and harmony to your smile. The dental laser is preferred because it cauterizes tissue upon impact, reducing bleeding and discomfort.

After the procedure, patients should expect some tenderness or soreness. They should avoid eating foods that are hot or spicy, and they may need to brush their teeth more gently and thoroughly than usual. An antiseptic mouthwash or a salt water rinse might be recommended to keep the area clean. They should also avoid vigorous activities that could increase blood flow to the area and cause swelling or bleeding. If the dentist used stitches, these will either dissolve or be removed during a follow-up appointment.

Gum reshaping is a cosmetic procedure that can dramatically improve the look of your smile. It is a good choice for people with a gummy smile or uneven gumline, which can negatively affect their self-image and confidence. It can also address gum recession caused by gum disease, preventing bacteria, plaque, and food from getting trapped in the pockets that form.